
UNE students spreading goodwill during the season of giving



每年, 正规澳门赌场网络的学生俱乐部和组织参与了一系列致力于提供礼物的活动, 生活必需品, care for those who need a helping h和.

Below are some highlights of the 2023 efforts.

儿科俱乐部及 Sigma Sigma

新UNE儿科俱乐部和Sigma Sigma的学生们在一堆包装好的捐赠礼物前摆姿势

12月. 11, College of 整骨疗法的医学’s 儿科俱乐部及 Sigma Sigma正规澳门赌场网络的名誉骨科服务兄弟会向约翰·肯尼迪总统捐赠了144份礼物. Kennedy School in Biddeford. 

The gifts were collected as part of the annual Holiday Giving Tree, which the two organizations co-host each year.

“我们为COM社区所做的努力感到自豪,他们齐心协力,让比德福德的许多家庭更容易获得节日的欢乐,” 儿科俱乐部 President Casey McAndrews. “节日捐赠树仍然是我们最喜欢的举措之一,我们计划在未来的许多节日期间支持当地社区. 



最近, 一群参加公民身份和公民参与课程的学生在老果园海滩的洛朗格纪念学校为学生举办了一场读书和捐赠活动.

All students enrolled in majors within UNE’s College of 艺术与科学 毕业前是否需要修两门公民参与的课程.

The students brought nine books to be read during the school’s homerooms, which they later donated to the school.

“五年级的学生们度过了一段美好的时光,听到正规澳门赌场网络学生的来信,他们非常兴奋,” Cass和ra McKiel (海洋科学, ’24). 第二天, 当我进去的时候, they were excited to tell me everything they learned, 我可以看出,他们学到的东西将产生持久的影响. 这些书被捐赠给教室,以便学生和未来的学生可以随时重读.”


正规澳门赌场网络哈罗德·阿尔方论坛的学生大楼管理团队最近举办了一年一度的“捐赠树”礼物活动, 总共收集了175个玩具和其他礼物,捐赠给比德福德的希望种子, a local community center that works to find poverty solutions. This is the fourth year the group has partnered with Seeds of Hope, the relationship grows each year, 说D.J. Whitten, director of Auxiliary Operations at UNE.

“This truly is an amazing experience, 对于我们来说,听到这些礼物,以及我们学生大楼管理人员的慷慨解囊,以及新墨西哥州社区的支持,将如何改变这么多人的假期体验,对我们来说总是很有影响力的,惠顿说. “学生们离开时感觉受到了启发,获得了成就,最重要的是,有了新的视角.” 


A room full of toys 和 gifts at Seeds of Hope
学生 和 volunteers load toys 和 gifts into a box truck
学生 和 volunteers pose in the Gift Room at Seeds of Hope

“After delivering the toys each year, we can see a spark ignite inside the students,” Cynthia Furber, senior administrative coordinator within 一个体育. “他们离开时不仅希望继续从事这种有意义的工作,而且相信自己能做到.”

同一群学生领导组织并主持了一年一度的泰迪熊投掷曲棍球比赛, which will be held on Jan. 1月19日. 20, 2024. 这项一年一度的活动鼓励球迷们将成千上万的泰迪熊扔到冰上,当东北男女冰球队在选定的日期第一次进球时. The bears collected are donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Maine.

惠顿指出,, in addition to supporting the daily operational needs of the facility, 论坛学生楼的管理人员共同关注慈善事业,以及“社区第一”的心态, just as the building’s namesake, 哈罗德Alfond, had done throughout his life.  

Making Main Street Bright


11月. 11, members of the Class of 2026 和 students with the Office of Citizenship 和 Civic Engagement 聚集在一起,用白色和五颜六色的灯装饰比德福德的主街, a tradition that has carried on for several years. 学生们与比德福德之心合作——一个帮助培养充满活力的, 包容, sustainable downtown for residents, 企业, visitors — to hold the annual event.

The group also raised funds to donate toiletry items to Seeds of Hope.

亚历山大·佩里(医学生物学, ’24), who took one of the citizenship courses this semester, 她说她很高兴能回馈这个她在过去四年里称之为家的社区.

“我认为学生们去社区做志愿者是很好的, especially during the colder months,”她说。. “有些人没有我们很多人有幸拥有的支持系统, it’s important for us to be there for them. 能把我们的精力投入到为比德福德人民服务的事情上真是太好了.” 阅读全文

Cookies 和 Conversation


11月11日,一群来自多个卫生专业的学生聚集在波特兰的巴伦中心. 28 to decorate cookies with the long-term care facility’s residents.

学生 from UNE’s degree programs in 物理治疗physician assistant studies, as well as students from the College of 整骨疗法的医学整个晚上,她都在和居民们分享故事,带来节日的欢乐.


“这是一次有益的经历,因为这里的居民都有自己独特的故事, 很高兴认识他们,也很高兴了解他们来巴伦中心的原因,” Coral Robinson (M.S.P.A., ’25). “The residents enjoyed the student’s presence, it was great to see all the residents smiling, 会说话的, laughing while decorating cookies.”

“It was a special time that I will keep with me, hopefully I will get to see them again soon at other events,她补充道。.